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All Girls Basic/Intermediate 8 Jump Course

It has been proven that individuals learn better in an environment where the class is of the same sex.

As skydiving is a male dominated sport, we have decided to dedicate part of our calendar just for the girls. Please check our calendar for our All-Girl Course dates or contact us for details.

Our All-Girls Basic/Intermediate course is run over 2-3 days depending on attendance and weather.
We take a maximum of 6 students per course, providing enough time with each student in order for you to achieve your full potential.
Ground-school including aerodynamics, equipment, flying techniques, hazards and how to avoid them and much more, is combined with 8 hop and pop jumps between 5000ft -7000ft. On each jump, you will be required to perform a series of in-air exercises to learn the range, performance and limits of your canopy.
Flying and landing techniques are also introduced to increase your level of efficient flying and safe, dynamic landings.
All landings and approaches are captured on video and fully assessed step-by-step to enable you to fully understand how to improve your techniques.  You can take these away on a DVD at the end of the course.

Included in the All Girls Course:-

Leading Edge Canopy School Course manual
Full ground-school covering all aspects of canopy flight and equipment.
8 hop and pop jumps from 5000ft -7000ft used to perform in-air exercises
All landings and approaches are captured on video and fully assessed
DVD of all your 8 jumps.
Further email contact after the course for future questions or advice
Further e-mail contact after the course for future questions or advice
To increase canopy accuracy and safety we will loan you a digital and audible altimeter throughout your course. 

Price – 550 Euros inc. IVA (tax)

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